Monday 27 August 2007

In the beginning...

I thought I'd start with the reason for the name of this blog. Well once upon a time I grew up in Windsor and in my youth there was one big influence on my musical development and that was the Old Trout (now turned into a Brown's) which hosted some seminal gigs by local and more famous bands (more of later.....). Called the Psykick (sic) Dance Hall it also hosted a few indie disco's which were latterly called Psykick Dance Nights but I'm pretty sure they started out life as Disclocation with DJ's Sean and Steve from local indie heroes 'Thousand Yard Stare' (again, more of them in a later posting). So this is my tribute to that era and of all the music I've enjoyed since.
There is a wonderfully nostalgic look back at the Old Trout on this website put together by Mike Bennett.

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